19 June 2013

Wild and Free: Ann Pamintuan's beautiful steel horses

Have you seen the beautiful horses made of stainless steel wires and flat bars by renowned artist, Ann Pamintuan, at the Greenbelt ArtPark?  They are extremely beautiful.  I just had to stop and take a look at each one of them.

These works of art are huge and are scattered in different areas of the ArtPark.  
I love that they are captured in different positions.  This one seems to stop and look at me.

This tall one by its lonesome and quite a special in a brown shade

Sometimes they are in groups and seem to be galloping and wandering around the park

It's really close to the real thing.
The facial features and muscles are clearly defined.  

I love this one that seems to just stare back at me

The horses' hair are of different kinds too - thin, thick, long, short, stringy or straight,
but always seems to be caught in the wind

The next two are made of flat bars, they are differently beautiful

I love these four next sculptures that seems to be suspended in animation


Ann Pamintuan's metal sculptures are on display at the Greenbelt ArtPark until August 23, 2013.  


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