12 December 2013

Of blessings and an impromptu reunion

I got excited when I received a message from my college barkada Rhia last week.  She invited me and Mickey and our Assumption College group to celebrate and have lunch with her and her family at their new condo. in Ortigas.   

Apart from the joy that all our Manila-based AC friends are complete and would be having an impromptu reunion before the year ends together with the hubbies and the kiddos, I also couldn't wait to see her new space!

The gang (left to right):  Rhia, Bambi, Len and Me

Her main door leads to a mirrored console and a fabulous sunburst mirror.  If you know me well, you know that I easily fall in love with beautiful chandeliers and elaborate/embellished mirrors.  Here's another photo to prove it.  

A collective group of photos with mirrored frames adorns her living room wall

Her guest bathroom is lined with graphic wallpaper and wall decor

Of course, this is the woman of the house, our good friend, Rhia

The men in our lives (left to right, standing): Rhia's husband Boc, Len's husband Boyet and my hubby Mickey (left to right, seated): Len's boys Joaquin and Matteo.

The chess pieces on the living room table is from Rhia and Boc's recent trip to Venice.  It's beautiful!

Len's boys were both wearing Chucks, how cute!

Rhia steals a hug from Matteo

Len and her beautiful family

Rhia and her talented girls Bianca and Jaeda, who both performed for us that day

Jaeda sings the theme from the motion picture, The Prince of Egypt entitled "When you believe" for us 
and reads the lyrics from her Iphone.

One last group photo before the year ends

Thank you Rhia and Boc for inviting all of us to celebrate with you and your family in your new place.
Here's to more reunions in 2014! 

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