05 January 2014

A Fresh Start

Hello, 2014!  You're finally here!  It's time to press the reset button and make a fresh start, don't you think?  Let's start fresh this year!  Here are a few things, I know how: 

1. Clean the living space
Vacuum every corner, do a wipe down of surfaces, especially the hard to reach areas you might be neglecting.  Wipe the dust off your ceiling fans, your lighting fixtures, your lamp shades, the insides of your cabinets and your drawers.

2. Change your surroundings
Doing this doesn't have to be expensive, you can just work with what you have to achieve a new, fresh look.  Change your curtains, throw pillow covers, sofa covers and bed sheets.  Re-arrange some furniture, change the placement of paintings or change the photos on your photo frames. 

3. Clean out your fridge and your kitchen cupboard
Reach into depths of your fridge and kitchen shelves and bring out all the contents.  Throw out expired food products, wipe the shelves and change the shelf liner in your kitchen cupboard.

4. Fix or replace things that are broken
Tighten loose knobs or handles and retouch scratches on furniture (you can usually buy these pens in hardware stores) so that they'll last longer and would look better.

5. Edit the contents of your closet
Donate clothes that are too big, too small or outdated.  Be ruthless, if you haven't worn certain clothing within a year, chances are you don't need it anymore.

6. Yes, even your shoe cabinet has to be edited
Unless you're a shoe collector, there is no point in hanging on to shoes that are now smaller than your current size.  Plus, leather, when not cared for properly/or stocked too long also has a shelf life.  So it's better to hand over your still wearable (and clean) shoes to charity. 

7. Try a fresh new scent for your home
Light up a fresh scented candle or your new reed diffusers for your home.

8. Display photos of happy memories
Go through your photos and have your favorites printed in a photo lab.  Have them framed and hang them in a special wall in your home or put them in your digital photo frame.

9. Check the contents of your medicine cabinet
Throw out expired medicines, write down the over the counter medicines you might need on hand and buy them, make sure you have a first aid kit ready and keep your medical files in order (we keep ours in a clear file).

10. Organize a Go Bag for emergency situations

11. Make sure that your fire extinguisher is not expired
If it is, have them refilled right away (usually, you can have them refilled where you bought them).  If you don't have one, you should seriously consider buying for your home.

12. Update your telephone directory of emergency numbers
Including the nearest hospital, ambulance service, the nearest fire department, the nearest police department and the numbers of your family members.

13. Clean out the contents of your car
Throw out candy wrappers, old receipts, organize coins and put them in a purse, organize car files and contents.  Give your car a New Year treat by going to the car wash and getting a thorough clean down of wash, vacuum. tire black and wax.

14. Squeeze in a fitness routine
It doesn't have to involve a gym membership.  It can be committing to at least 30 minutes a day to walk/run in the nearby park or getting on your bike and take a ride around your community.   

15. Commit to trying new things
Remind yourself constantly that you'll be more open to trying new things.  It could be learning a new sport, playing a musical instrument or even changing your beauty routine.

What fresh starts are you making this year?

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