22 February 2015

Table for Two at Greenbelt's Secret Garden

I rarely join contests, but when I do, it must be something that I really, really, really like.  Earlier this month, as I was browsing through Instagram, I came across Greenbelt's "Table for Two at Greenbelt's Secret Garden" contest.  The name of the contest was enough to get my attention.

The contest rules were quite simple, you just have to send a photo and share your #GreenbeltLoveStory on Instagram.  I submitted an entry and hoped (and prayed) to be one of the 3 winners who will be picked to have a special dinner on Valentine's Day at Greenbelt Secret Garden. 

I was holding my breath, when Greenbelt announced the winners last February 13, so excited that I kept refreshing their instagram page for the winners, haha! and guess what?  I won!  Greenbelt then asked me to send a direct message on Instagram so they can give us some details.  I did that right away and they gave the time (7:00 p.m.) and the location of Greenbelt's Secret Garden.  The rest of the details were all left as a surprise.

When Mickey and I were on our way to Greenbelt’s Secret Garden, I had butterflies in my stomach and was quite excited with the surprise that is about to come. 

When we got to the location, they had a lovely set-up at the Greenbelt Secret Garden - a red carpet lined with candles led to a gazebo adorned with fairy lights, bottles of wine were kept chilled on the side, love songs were playing in the background, rose petals were on the gazebo floor, candle-lit tables with a bouquet of arranged red roses as a centerpiece were waiting for us.  Of course, the spectacular view of Makati's skyline was also part of the backdrop for our date that night and there was also a stage set-up for some live entertainment during dinner.  

The lovely Gabbi Buencamino sang love songs for us while we were having dinner and we sang along with her (my favorite was "The way you looked tonight", an original by Frank Sinatra).  It was truly, truly a magical night. 

We started with a choice of red, white or rosé wine for dinner.  We chose red wine to go with our specially prepared Contemporary Thai Cuisine dinner by Simply Thai at Greenbelt 5.  

For appetizers, we had chicken satay (chicken skewers with peanut sauce and cucumber relish), Poh Piah Tod - Siam Spring Rolls (deep fried pork, mushrooms, and minced prawn with sweet chili sauce), Tod Man Kung - Prawn Cakes (Thai prawn cakes with sweet chili sauce). For soup, we had Tom Yum Kung (hot and sour prawn soup). For the main entrees we had Grilled Chicken with Bok Choy and Mushrooms, Aromatic Prawn Curry (Prawns with roasted pumpkin, tomatoes, and shallots) and  Squid and Shrimp Nam Prik Pao (Sautéed in roasted chili paste).  For sweet endings we had Takhoo Sakhoo (Tapioca pearls made like steamed cake in pandan cups).  

Our hearts and tummies were definitely filled that night. 

We also met some lovely people during dinner, Kim and Raiza with their respective dates that night.
Thank you Greenbelt for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day under the stars at Greenbelt’s Secret Garden (which by the way remains a secret, until Greenbelt reveals where it is, haha!). 

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day with your loved ones! 

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