10 February 2015

Love is in the Air: Our Wine and Cheese Picnic Date

I’ve always wanted to go on a picnic date.  I think that it is utterly romantic.  In my thoughts, the  perfect picnic date would have to be hours before sunset, under a canopy of old tall trees, in an empty picnic area.  

During our recent trip to Baguio, we were able to do just that.  We had our first wine and cheese picnic date!  A day before leaving Manila, we went to Santi’s Delicatessen in Capitol Commons to grab all our picnic essentials.  We bought walnuts, dried apricots, bitter orange marmalade, thin crisp crackers, two types of cheese, one hard (smoked gouda) and one soft (brie), prosciutto, salami, bottles of sparkling water and of course a bottle of red wine.   

I didn't want to bring disposable plates, utensils and cups for a romantic picnic date.  The thought of using disposables will definitely kill the romance factor, haha!  We packed two plates, two wine goblets, a cheese board to put the food in, cheese picks together with cloth table napkins, a table cloth and placed everything in a picnic tote.

We thought it would be good to have our picnic date on a weekday, hoping that there won’t be much people since it’s a work/school day and also, hoping that the weather would be good.  So, we had ours on a Friday, we went up to the picnic area in Camp John Hay and it was just perfect - we had the area all to ourselves (the only company we had were a few friendly resident birds) and the weather was a cool 15 degrees Celsius.   

We set up our picnic table, had long meaningful conversations, talked about our dreams and watched the sun set.  It was magical and romantic.

Absolutely loving every minute of this

Just you, me and the trees

Our cheese board

My date, Le Hubby, Mickey

Valentine's definitely came early. 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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