09 May 2018

Erceflora Probi Bears: The 2-in-1 Probiotic Supplement for Kids

Children have a tendency to be exposed to higher risk of getting digestive health-related diseases such as diarrhea and constipation from harmful bacteria because they tend to play a lot with their hands.  It is known that Probiotics can help ease digestive disordersProbiotics are live microorganisms that help maintain the balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract.   Although children can get Probiotics from yogurt and beverages that contain these, the amount may not be enough.

Here's something new for your children's digestive health - Erceflora ProbiBears, a yummy tummy supplement that will help improve children's digestion.  It has a combined 2-in-1 Probio-Booster of not just Lactobacillus acidophilus, but also Bifidolacterium lactis.  

Lactobacillus is good bacteria that is present in most food such as yogurt and beverages that contain probiotics.  A study has shown that Lactobacillus is an effective treatment against infant colic and even helps improve immunity.  Bifidobacterium, on the other hand, helps ease digestive issues such as bloating and flatulence.

ProbiBears, the world's no. 1 Probiotic, can reassure parents that their kids will stay healthy in the tummy.  Parents, you can get your kids Erceflora ProbiBears at Mercury Drug by June for only Php 540.00 (SRP) per box of 20s.

Tastes great too! Your children will surely love it.


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