28 September 2019

My Ayumi 5D Eyelash Extension Experience

I have naturally short and sparse lashes.  Quite a bummer if you ask me.  Because of this, I began to look for mascara that is thickening and lengthening, but these can be quite heavy and unnatural looking.  So, I got to a stage where I just quit the mascara altogether and just kept my natural lashes with my make-up routine.  But somehow, I feel I can still take it up a notch if I can have natural-looking lashes that were a bit curled.  

Recently, I got to try 5D lashes from Ayumi Japanese Eyelash & Nail Art Salon - They are Dot 1101 Japan's only partner in the Philippines for eyelash extensions.  They use the same techniques and products, ergo clients are assured of getting the same quality lashes.

You get 250 to 300 eyelash extensions per eye, with five lash extensions adhered per eyelash.  It makes it look full.  It is available in a variety of lengths you can choose from - 9mm to 14mm. For my 5D lashes, I have asked them to keep the length as close to natural as possible.  The 5D lash extensions costs Php 2,500.  Witnessing the meticulous process, the price is very much reasonable.

You should also allot about 2 hours for the entire procedure, but not to worry, Ayumi has comfortable recliners you can relax on, while your lashes are being done.  Also, come make-up free even for just your eye area.  

Bring your earphones, and prepare your Spotify playlist before your appointment date for a relaxing prettifying session.  Oh, your eyelids will be lightly taped during the procedure, so forget about watching a movie, surfing the net or catching up on social media for at least two hours, and just chill.

I had my 5D Eyelash Extensions at Ayumi's Eastwood City branch

You might be wondering how long will the 5D eyelash extension last, as of this writing, it has been a good three weeks, and I have lost some of my lashes due to natural fallout.  I carefully wash my eyelash extensions daily with Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo (tear-free) to avoid bacteria build-up.  

Good news! Ayumi offers services for lash extension retouch and repair too. These would cost much less of course, starting at Php 500, depending on the condition of the lash extensions.

You might be asking if you can use mascara on your lashes, Ayumi advised it is okay, but veer away from water-proof or oil-based mascara, as these might shorten the life span of your lash extensions.  As for me, I kept my lashes mascara-free during the entire three weeks, as it is naturally thick and curled already.  

Ayumi also advised that when using make-up removers, use the ones that does not contain oil or glycols as these would weaken the adhesive that bonds the lashes and can cause your eyelashes to fall off prematurely. 

It is quite easy to maintain my 5D lashes, I just made sure to consciously not rub or tug at them.  As mentioned earlier, not to use oil-based make-up around my eye area, I also use an eyelash brush maintain the look of the lashes and to prevent them from sticking together.

Will I go back?  Yes I will.  I'm hooked, sold and convinced.  It works for me.  Honestly, it was my first time to try Japanese eyelash extensions, but I like how lightweight and natural it feels.  I also like that it makes my make-up routine a step shorter.  

People have been asking me about it too.  I allow them to touch my lashes, to show how natural they feel.  Apart from eyelash extensions, Ayumi also offers Nail services, while I was waiting for my lashes, I also had Gel Manicure (costs Php 750) and Pedicure (costs Php 800) done.  Why not hit 3 birds with one stone, right?

Booking for my next appointment as soon as I hit "publish".

See you there!

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