24 March 2020

Protect your home with Thunderwall Electric Fence

Five years ago, I featured my sister-in-law Gay Villa and her electric fence outfit here. As you may well know, Gay builds electric fences of the non-lethal variety to protect households from the dreaded akyat-bahay gang. "Who are most likely drug addicts." Gay interrupted with a wink. "What is more alarming is that most house robberies lead to murder cases." she added.

So, I recently caught up with her over lunch in BGC to say hi, "How's the former banker from the Philippine National Bank who is now building electric fences?"

Gay said that there are now a lot of outfits wanting to get into the action. "But sad to say, these outfits fail to deliver: they don't honor their warranties and most often they are a no-show when problems arise," Gay said. She added, "How many times have I seen electric fences which have been cut and left hanging by their previous supplier? When you give your word, you should fulfill what you promise to your customers."

I tease her, "And yours?"

"Not one of our clients have experienced a home invasion by breaching a Thunderwall electric fence. Our thick wire rope, which strongly resists pliers, beats their aluminum wire, and ordinary alambre."

"But what if there is a blackout?" I ask.

"Because Thunderwall is solar-powered, that is not a problem. The battery backup of our competitors' fence is only half a day. So, after half a day of no Meralco power, no more 'electric' in their fence," Gay said.

She relates what her client, a resident of an upscale subdivision down south, proudly said before an emergency homeowners meeting, "My dear neighbors with other electric fence brands, how come the akyat-bahay gang still found a way to cut through your electric fence and robbed some of you? Our difference is you have ordinary electric fences, and my house is protected by---Thunderwall!"

In today's unpredictable times, don't take any chances. Have peace of mind and prioritize your family's safety by installing Thunderwall Electric Fence in your home.

Here are some of Gay's new projects:

My sister-in-law Gay Villa

Got questions? Click here for Thunderwall's FAQ's. For further inquiries, call Gay Villa at (02) 7966-8207, 0917-520-2990, 0917-102-1485 or send an e-mail at thunderwallfence@yahoo.com.


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