08 December 2020

The New Look of Doña Elena Olive Oil

Have you noticed how most of us are craving for healthy and easy to create home-cooked meals? Perhaps with quarantine restrictions and the sense of having that feeling of safety of dining in our own homes, it gives us the motivation to create home cooked meals, but also give us a sense of security as well.

As we continue our culinary journeys in our kitchens, Doña Elena, the country's no. 1 olive oil inspires us with some thoughtful ideas that will not only help nourish our bodies, but also bring comfort during these unprecedented times.

Celebrated for its perfected combination of premium-quality olives directly sources and harvested from the farms of Andalucia, Spain, Doña Elena Olive Oil has been dominating the market for a decade now. Here's why Doña Elena Olive Oil is the ideal choice in preparing home-cooked, restaurant-quality meals that will inspire you to cook healthily at home!

Packed with the good stuff

Extracted from the fruit of olive trees, olive oil defines the Mediterranean diet. Countries like Spain and Greece that have it as part of their native cuisine touts some of the world's healthiest population, 

Doña Elena's offerings, in particular, are rich in good fats and oxidants through he combination of two types of olives, hojiblanca and picual. Each bottle contains 80% monounsaturated oleic acids, which is proven to regulate insulin and support weight management according to research. The heart friendly fat is also known for supporting the health of the heart and enhancing brain function. 

Doña Elena Olive Oil comes loaded with high levels of antioxidants like polyphenols and is packed with vitamins E, K and A, that helps lower bad cholesterols.

Everything for anything

As diverse as the health advantages of olive oils are in its applications, Doña Elena Olive Oil comes in three variants to make any type of dish shine with flavorful and aromatic taste. They also have Extra Virgin Olive Oil for dips and salad dressing; Pure Olive Oil for pasta and everyday cooking; and pomace for roasting or frying.

Doña Elena Olive Oil is the only brand that offers the most comprehensive sizes. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a kitchen rookie. Doña Elena's Pure, Etra Virgin and Pomace Olive Oils are conveniently available in 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter and 5 Liter PET bottles so you have all the options for every purpose and need.

As tasty as it looks

A renowned French designer was tasked to create a new bottle befitting the well-loved premium quality product. The result is a strengthened brand identity that is at the same time recognizable to patrons and accommodating to first-time users.

The new packaging includes two significant fine engravings on the bottle: The Doña Elena insignia near the top, and the olive fruit near the base. Another detail that customers enjoy is the usage recommendation per variant printed on the label, making it easier to choose the right olive oil for your cooking needs,

For every occasion, Doña Elena Olive Oil comes through as the perfect culinary companion in preparing delicious meals that are good for the health and light on the wallet.

Get your bottles of Doña Elena Olive Oil at groceries and supermarkets nationwide or buy online at: www.acemarket.ph


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